Rhonda's Spicy Mango Chutney

Assessment Question And Answer

Q1 Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
Sitemap: Sitemap will help serach engine understand how the site works and arrange the contents in a more user friendly way. It will describe every page of the website.

Difference Between HTML site map and XML sitemap:

HTML sitemap:

  1. Human readbale, used for displaying data.
  2. Static in nature.
  3. HTML displays data and describes the structure of a webpage
  4. HTML is a simple predefined language
  5. Has its own predefined tags.
  6. Closing tags are not necessarily needed.

XML Sitemap:

  1. Dynamic in nature.
  2. XML facilitates encoding documents, defined by a set of rules, in a format that can be read by both humans and machines.
  3. Used for transferring data.
  4. XML stores and transfers data
  5. XML is a standard language that defines other languages.
  6. Tags are defined as per the need of the programmer. XML is flexible as tags can be defined when needed.
  7. Closing tags are used mandatorily.

Benifits of HTML and XML


  1. The text being compressible, it is fast to download
  2. Easy to integrate with other languages
  3. Supported by all browsers.


  1. XML is a platform-independent programming language; hence can be used by any system
  2. Completely portable and also compatible with JAVA
  3. Using XML, data can be stored and transported at any point in time without affecting data presentation.
  4. Data sharing between various systems is simplified using XML, XML document is free of any syntax error.

Disadvantages of using HTML and XML


  1. A lot of code is required to be written to make a simple webpage.
  2. HTML security features aren’t very good.
  3. All web pages need to be edited separately; not centralized
  4. Can create only plain and static pages.


  1. When data volume is large, it results in high storage and transportation cost due to redundancy in XML syntax.
  2. Compared to other text-based formats, XML is less readable
  3. Due to its lengthy nature, the XML file size is very large
  4. XML does not support an array.

Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

1) NetBeans

  • Positive Aspects
  • Support HTML,Javascript, CSS , editors.Automatic deploy of application and debugging.
  • Negative Aspects
  • Has lots of plugins some of them never get used.
  • Cannot unistall the plugins to make it faster.
  • Debugger is slow

2) VS Code

  • deploy web application to nay host.- publish and manage websites and virtual machine from within the VS.
  • has no plugins and drage and drops options.stuck at times, need to stop debugging or restart.takes long time to load.


  • Free and open source text editor.can be used by new and expert developers. Cab be downloaded in desktop and can be used right away. It has smart autocompletion features with this feature developers can write faster and save time.
  • Takes some time to start when running on system with HDD. Atom sow down because of heavy packages.
  • Comparing 3 IDEs I recommond Atom for entry level programmer is simple and easy to use even with minimum coding experience it is easy to use. it is lightweight, free.
Q3 Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

Brif History of web browser:

  • - 1980- worldwideweb w3c created by ‘TIM Berners, this was the only browser and only way to access internet.
  • - 1992- lynx was a texted-based browser that culdnt display any graphic. First browser to support multiple platforms.
  • - Cello Browser: June 8 1993, First browser available for windows
  • - 1994- Mosaic was the first browser to allow images.
  • - 1995- Ntscape navigator : first browser to introduce tables to HTML.
  • - 1995 - Opera 1.0 and Internet Explorer 1.0
  • - 1996: CSS1 become official recomdation of the W3C.
  • - 2000 : released internet explorere, first browser to support CSS1 complte features.
  • - 2003- Apple Safari browser realesed
  • - 2004- Mozilla firefox as Netscape navigator
  • - 2007- Mobile Safari for apple mobile web browser.
  • - 2008 Google Chrome
  • 2011- Opera Mini fast-growing mobile browser
  • - 2015- Microsoft Edge

Issue Encounter By developers:

  • All thye browsers are different and we canbt create website which all browswers support common performance related challenges web developres face are imperfect codes, unorganised data, increased traffic, poorly distributed load, third party serbvice

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality

Here are a few of the basic testing techniques for web applications:

1. Functionality Testing

Make sure that all the functions within a web app are working smoothly without any technical glitches, like all the links are working properly or not, testing forms in all the pages, testing cookies, validating HTML or CSS, testing database for the security invalid inputs should give an appropriate error message.

2. Usability Testing

Application should be user-friendly and effective; its user interface should comply with the standards. Follow all the global conventions and web standards while developing a web application. Proper navigation, site map, avoid using over-crowded content and more while approaching for the usability testing.

3. Web UI Testing

Will ensure that all the individual components within a web application are connected appropriately. The interaction between servers are executed properly or not with the help of this testing method.

4.Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing will check your website, operating system compatibility, mobile browsing and printing options.

5. Performance Testing

In this testing method, website is usually tested for its functionality on different operating system, hardware platforms and more.

6.Security Testing

It usually involves various things like testing the CAPTCHA for automates scripts logins, testing SSL for security measures.


What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

  • All website must have clearly identifiable link to the government website.
  • The link incorporate the words ‘NT government”
  • It should have correct NT Government logo.
  • Website and web content meet WCAG 2.0 level AA compliance

How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

  • Create a folder structre for your webpage where you can have CSS,HTML,JAVA Script all together in one folder.
  • Folder should be categorised so that it makes sense to the organization.
  • Group iamges and other files by category makes it easy to search and use in future also.
  • Label images with metadata, tag image with appropriate keywords to make it searchable.
  • Save all your application assest in one location to make it easy to locate.